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Alsiol 3D VF product - návod k použití

Alsiol 3D VF

Advanced Active-Diffractive 3D Concept

ALSANZA 3D Concept brings equally stable and powerful multivisions and is pupil independent.
The patient can have an excellent vision at near, far and intermediate distances.
3D Concept enables the patients to have a pseudo-physiological vision and live spectacle-free.

Advantages of This Unique Material:

This hydrophobic behavior is clearly demonstrated by the Contact Angle Measurements which shows comparable values versus other hydrophobic polymers. The contact angle measurement for our material is 70% +/-1%. If you compare contact angle for a pure hydrophilic material it’s generally around 50/54°.

An Intermediate Vision Without Decreasing Energy Distribution for Near and Far Visions

The ALSANZA “Advanced Diffractive 3D” concept tries to preserve a better balance (ratio 60% near / 40% far) in the same conditions of dilation, allowing patients with a said small pupil especially with an accommodative myosis, to even benefit from a more intensive light distribution for near vision, to respect the physiological functioning of the eye.

Near Vision 60%
Far Vision 40%
An Intermediate Vision Without Compromising Light Transmission Intensity

Monofocal lenses dedicates 100 % the energy to only one focal. An innovative light distribution that allows 3D lenses to offer a pseudo accommodation for intermediate distance.

A Functional Vision at All Distances – Near/Intermediate/Far

High MTF values at all distances even in low light condition.

Intermediate Vision without Dedicated Focal

The right balance between Far and Near vision with the help of a controlled aberration correction allows 3D lenses to offer a pseudo accommodation for intermediate distance, leading most of the patients to get rid of glasses and having a Multivision at all distance.

ALSANZA Hydrophilic Biomaterial: A Copolymer with an Hydrophobic Behavior

ALSANZA material is a co-polymer made on a methacrylate basis.
One of the co-monomer is an hydrophilic monomer (2-Hydroxyethylmethacrylate).
The second monomer used is a pure hydrophobic monomer (2-ethoxyethylmethacrylate) with large hydrophobic ester chain.
The benefit of adding this hydrophobic monomer in the formulation is that we confer the polymer an hydrophobic behavior, by reducing the water content.

Advantages of This Unique Material:

This hydrophobic behavior is clearly demonstrated by the Contact Angle Measurements which shows comparable values versus other hydrophobic polymers.
The contact angle1 measurement for our material is 70% +/-1%. If you compare contact angle for a pure hydrophilic material it’s generally around 50/54°.

Available as “Natural Yellow” our “VF” line

ALSANZA range of VF IOLs (Violet Light Filtering IOLs) are of a yellow tint comparable to a young human crystalline lens.
The chemically inbound chromophore allows to block dangerous UVA and reduces the transmitted Violet light in the wavelength of 400-440 nm
to protect retina without blocking the safely blue light,
without modifying the natural circadian rhythms, without affecting color perception neither contrasts.

Premium Aspheric Optic Concept

ALSANZA IOLs are built on the Liou & Brennan1 (LBE) eye model,
considered to be as the most anatomically accurate eye model in ophthalmology today.
In Liou & Brennan eye model, spherical aberrations are of + 0,27 μm for a pupillary diameter of 6 mm.
The optical model of Liou & Brennan places the young phakic eye in a realistic physiol ogical environment,
taking into account for example the natural decentration of the pupil in nasal and the tilt of the visual axis vs the optical axis.

This aberration correcting asphericity concept provides reproducibility and high refractive outcomes. It provides contrast sensitivity even under low light conditions.

ALSANZA aspheric IOLs respect the natural quantity of spherical aberrations to offer pseudophakic eye visual performance close to the natural phakic eye. They improve image quality compared to spherical IOLs, they provide high contrast sensitivity for a very large range of spatial frequencies and this, particularly in difficult visual conditions as low light with a large pupil or in case of slight decentration or tilt of the IOL.

Improved Visual Performance with High MTF Values

Enhanced optic design of ALSANZA IOLs provides superior MTF values and perfect surface topography.
ALSANZA Optics are built on the Modulation Transfer Function (MTF), the optical reference in measuring visual performance and contrast sensitivity.
MTF gives a precise measurement of image degradation, and quantify the way an optic aberration affects the contrast perception for each spatial frequency.

Corrected aberrations on the lens -0.165µm
Average residual aberration on the eye +0.165µm

Benefits of Premium Aspheric Optic Concept
360° Square Edge and Reliable Design

ALSANZA IOLs are designed to providerefractive predictability, long term stability and centration. The 360° Square Edge concept of ALSANZA IOLs creates barrier against PCO or cell migration. Continuous 360° square edges: a demonstrated efficiency for several decades. Prevention of posterior capsular opacification is an important component of the global patient satisfaction, even more, when patients are implanted with a premium IOL as a toric or as a multifocal. All ALSANZA models of IOLs have continuous 360° square edges to delay LEC proliferation and maintain a good quality of vision as long as possible. Several publications among with Dr Nishi’s1 one, have demonstrated the efficacy of 360° square edges in delaying PCO occurence.
MICS capable, ALSANZA IOLs can be implanted through 1.8 mm incision with our ALSAJET Injection system. ALSANZA IOLs are designed to be used in micro-incision cataract surgery (MICS).

Benefit of MICS: