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Alisol product - návod k použití


ALSANZA Hydrophilic Biomaterial: A Copolymer with an Hydrophobic Behavior

ALSANZA material is a co-polymer made on a methacrylate basis.
One of the co-monomer is an hydrophilic monomer (2-Hydroxyethylmethacrylate).
The second monomer used is a pure hydrophobic monomer (2-ethoxyethylmethacrylate)
with large hydrophobic ester chain. The benefit of adding this hydrophobic monomer
in the formulation is that we confer the polymer an hydrophobic behavior, by reducing the water content.

Advantages of This Unique Material:

This hydrophobic behavior is clearly demonstrated by the Contact Angle Measurements
which shows comparable values versus other hydrophobic polymers.
The contact angle1 measurement for our material is 70% +/-1%. If you compare contact angle for a pure hydrophilic material it's generally around 50/54°.

Avaible as "Natural Yellow" our "VF" line

ALSANZA range of VF IOLs (Violet Light Filtering IOLs) are of a yellow tint comparable to a young human crystalline lens. The chemically inbound chromophore allows to block dangerous UVA and reduces the transmitted Violet light in the wavelength of 400-440 nm to protect retina without blocking the safely blue light, without modifying the natural circadian rhythms, without affecting color perception neither contrasts.

Premium Aspheric Optic Concept

LSANZA range of VF IOLs (Violet Light Filtering IOLs) are of a yellow tint comparable to a young human crystalline lens. The chemically inbound chromophore allows to block dangerous UVA and reduces the transmitted Violet light in the wavelength of 400-440 nm to protect retina without blocking the safely blue light, without modifying the natural circadian rhythms, without affecting color perception neither contrasts.